Day 365
22 May 2010
It has been a beautiful sunny day, today. Not a cloud in the sky. I knew it was going to be a busy day in the town, because at 10am today there was a steady procession of cars heading into the town. Weekenders, locals, day-trippers. People paving the streets. A trickle of people in and out of the various shops. The aromas of coffee, mixed with seaweed, and chips and vinegar. A town alive with comforting familiarity, the vibrancy of a sea-side town that makes my heart sing and my soul dance to the constant, but subtle changes during the year. So much goes on in this small town, and yet it remains as it has been for as long as I can remember.
Swanage is a unique town. It has a life all of its own. It has survived deep scars from the Second World War, snowstorms, floods, the infamous 1987 hurricane, recessions, to name but a few threats over the years. It was the first example of recycling, thanks to George Burt; it is one of the most popular towns to come to visit on a school trip, and most people I knew before I moved back here knew the town either because of this, or because they have holidayed here. I have never met anyone who has said they disliked the town, but I have met many who have said they wished they could live here. It is a big playground for children; an ideal opportunity for improving fitness (being that it is so hilly), and for exploring either in the waters, on the hills, or in the boutique shops. The children here are delivered a superb standard of education, with a beautiful, idyllic backdrop with which to learn and develop. Don't think that I'm blind to the negative things in this town, but do believe me when I say that I know that life isn't all beach trips after school, or fetes and carnivals, festivals and fireworks. But I don't think that I'd rather be anywhere else in the world than right here with my family, and my friends, in the town I love...and never thought I'd return to, all those years ago as I left for university, when I vowed never to come back here!
Thank you to everyone who has read this blog over the year. I have enjoyed doing it, and I know that some of the photos haven't always been my best, but it's been tricky at times to combine two children with everyday life, work, home, social and the odd curveball into the equation. I intend to post here periodically, but am a bit relieved not to have to come up with something to photograph every day!
Victorian Swanage continues over the weekend.
My daughter offered to make me my breakfast, this morning, for the first time. So cute!