Monday 4 January 2010

Big Cook, Little Cook

Day 227
04 January 2010

I decided to make some biscuits, this evening. I needed some light relief after having to scrape dog mess off my daughter's shoe for the second time in a week (and the buggy wheel, too). Excuse me, but I am going to have a little bit of a rant before continuing...
...people who let their dogs foul the pavements are, without exception, narrow-minded individuals who think that it's perfectly acceptable for their beloved pets to pose potential health threats to their own community. You know who you are: you're the one who sees your dog leaving a pile of crap on the pavement, and pretends you haven't seen it. You're the one who opens your door, lets your dog wander around for a while unattended until it's done what it needs to do and heads home, again. You're the one who thinks it's perfectly natural to allow your dog to foul the pavement:after all, it's organic, it will rot down. You're the one who is too old/fat/lazy/has a bad back etc etc etc to bend down a few inches to pick your dog's crap up from the pavement.
Meanwhile, numerous people every day in this otherwise beautiful town have to walk around the crap, constantly tell their children to watch out for the poo, and then find ingenious yet uninspiringly inconvenient ways to remove the stuff from our footwear. You might find it amusing, but on the other hand, here's a heads-up for you: the other day I walked into the butchers before realising one of my buggy wheels had a huge dollop of crap on the wheel. That's a health hazard, and so is walking with tainted footwear into the health centre, the supermarket, or into the school, where hundreds of mini immune-systems are waiting for their next battle. You may as well have a steaming pile of the stuff on your kitchen worktop next to your plate of food. In my (humble, yet outraged) opinion, if you can't or won't pick up your dog's mess, give your dog to someone who cares about other people as well as themselves, and their animals. Do your dog, yourself, and everyone else, a favour.
*Even Bigger Sigh*
After I'd disinfected my daughter, myself, and had a cuppa to ease myself back down to earth, we made biscuits together. It was an interesting experience. My son thought that a rolling pin was a way of creating a rustic look to my table, and that a pastry cutter was actually a teething ring. We all enjoyed ourselves, especially when it came to eating the biscuits. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I soooo agree with you on this one. It's right up there with the selfish moronic tw*ts who drive whilst using their phones......

    It's great when you catch someone and make them clear it up...
