Sunday 17 January 2010

Bike Ride

Day 240
17 January 2010
It's been a blue skies day, today. This morning, we had a lovely, and very rare lie-in. Waking up at 9am was bliss! It really set me up for the rest of the day. This morning, my daughter wanted to ride her scooter on our walk. We met several friends along the way, so a 20 minute walk turned into almost two hours.
After lunch, we went to King Georges playing fields, where this time the mode of transport was the bike. She wanted to practice on the ramps in the skate park. I wasn't going to dissuade her from trying it out, but I don't think that ramps are for bikes with stabilisers on! Still, I admire her ambition!
The sun was beginning to set, and there was an enormous puddle in the middle of the skate park. So I made the most of it, with the results, below.