Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Day 55
15 July 2009

Today has been a mad rush: things to do, appointments to keep, places to be.
This evening I went to the opening of a new art gallery in Swanage, called the Hayloft, run by Karen Delahay, which also houses some lovely boutique clothes in the "closet".
There were some pieces of art on display, including mine, which had been hurriedly put together with the help of the Quarr gallery and my patient husband, who was expected to frame stuff for me because I can't do it!
This is a first for me: I've never exhibited anything in a gallery before, so it was quite overwhelming to hear people say they liked my photos.
I say rainbows for todays post because this morning when I woke up I knew that today we had to be somewhere for something important, but this afternoon was a bit hazy because I wasn't sure what to expect of myself or of others. This evening has taught me that life isn't black and white, but a colourful mix of opportunity which is there if you only know where to look for it, or if you allow it took look for you.
My son wears these great little rainbow "baba legs" a lot, and so I took this picture of him wearing them whilst he enjoyed his first sitting in the swing, today.

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