Sunday, 30 August 2009

Chocolate Soup

Day 101
30th August 2009

Last night saw the last of the fireworks displays for the summer. It was pretty spectacular, the favourite amongst lots of us being the fireworks that drop down into the water, and then emerge seconds later into the sky. So we had a late night.
Unfortunately there was little sign of a lie-in for any of us, as my husband had to get up for work early, and my son woke at six, followed by my daughter at half past. Hmph.
This afternoon, I decided that we'd sit down and cosy up for a film and some hot chocolate.
My big green mug holds just over a pint of liquid, so drinking from it is a bit of an effort in itself! I felt as though I should have been using a soup spoon!

Green & Black's fairtrade cocoa. Yum.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Ten Times 10

Day 100
29 August 2009
Today is the one hundredth post. I thought I'd try and be clever and conveniently find something in Purbeck celebrating a centenary, today, but I couldn't.
So instead I opted for 10x10 things - below are ten pictures containing 10 of something. Some are less inspiring than others...
Well it was worth a try, anyway!

Delicious-looking Dorset apple cake from the Purbeck Deli

Friday, 28 August 2009


Day 99

28th August 2009

We all got up and went for a pre-breakfast walk about, this morning. It was lovely. The streets were quiet, except for a refuse lorry, parked along the quay, and one or two others in search of a patch of sunshine; a few chirpy dog walkers; and a couple tending to their dinghy on the shore.
As we got to Gee Whites, I read their notice pinned to the side of the building. They're applying for planning permission for a new roof, constructed of metal and glass (according to the local paper). There is a long story attached to this place, which in a nutshell, is that the straw roof that is in place now had a retrospective planning permission refused, despite a majority of the locals in favour of the roof staying as it was. The owner has been told it has to come down, so he's reapplied again now and has been told that the council will advise the planning committee to refuse the application.

I can't understand why this has to be such a big problem for the local council. I can't understand why there are processes like this in place to start with.

Personally, I don't care if the roof is straw, glass, metal, or chocolate (now that would be fun). As long as it's not pink with sprinkles on it, or flashing a big neon arrowed sign saying "eat here", why would anyone object to it? To look around the town there are lots of different buildings, from different eras, and different tastes, and nothing that I would want to jump up and down in protest about.

The point is, that in the whole grand scheme of our lives in our present time, there are far bigger things to be worrying about and getting hot under the collar about. There are wars, famine, other humanitarian crises, and the threats to our beautiful planet to think about and take action on. Why should anyone care about the appearance of a roof on the top of a building that does a good trade all year round, so long as it isn't outrageously offensive?

How about turning the attention to more important things, like the future of our schools in Swanage, and how that is going to affect our outlook on the horizon?

We had a walk along the seafront before heading off home again for breakfast.


Day 98
27th August 2009

This pile of clothing was the result of a rummage around in the loft last night.
It's a pleasing pile, because the clothes are my pre-pregnancy clothing from last year. I can fit into these, again. Hoorah!
I'm beyond being up with the latest fashion trends (and perhaps arguably I never was), but to wear something other than the same pair of (now baggy) jeans and baby-sick, baby-dribble and food-stained (baby and me) tops, is a refreshing change!
The only problem now, is that I'm struggling to find enough time to clear my wardrobe out and tidy away again!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Day 97
26th August, 2009

This rose is dedicated to two of my loveliest friends, who for the time being, I won't be naming, because they did something truly fantastic which they haven't shared with most of their friends and family. Yet.
I got an email from she, two days ago, explaining that whilst they were in a part of Europe on holiday, that they were getting married. A lovely surprise, sudden but so right for them - the way they're doing the whole thing is their personality and not like the merangue weddings (not that there is anything wrong with that, if you like that sort of wedding!), and I only wish I could have been there too! But then they wouldn't have had their day, and getting married is about what the bride and groom want from the day, not what everyone else thinks.
So, congratulations, you two! xxxx

Refresh and Chips

Day 96
25th August 2009

There are two things that strike me as I turn the corner past the Mowlem and towards the beach: The smell of the sea; and the smell of chips wafting in the breeze. Depending on which direction the wind is blowing, the chips have a smell all of their own, according to the chippy they've been fried in.
The walkway alongside the Mowlem from the quay is always a bit breezy, and turning the corner in towards the town before heading onto the sand is nearly always the most refreshing (or freezing) place.
Yesterday was no exception. We got onto the packed sand, and decided to go for a paddle. I could hear the excited chatter of children as they dug for sandcastles, shells and treasure; laughter and raised voices from the adults; the seagulls, looking out for a cheeky feed of chips, pincer-gripped in the fingers of hungry holiday-makers; and my favourite sound: the sound of the waves, today whispering as they crept up onto the wet sand to clutch at something to take away with them.
We took our shoes and socks off, and tiptoed down to the edge of the water. We waited for the next wave to surround our hot feet, and there it was - the passing chilled grip of the water, the sand sinking down slightly as the water receded, and then the look of amusement on my daughter's face: my trouser legs had got wet!
Any frustration, ache, or problem was instantly forgotten in that moment. Better than any medication in the world. Try it if you can!

Monday, 24 August 2009

Comfort Food

Day 95
24 August 2009

Here is our lunch: home-made carrot, butternut squash and sweetcorn soup with toasted pumpkin seeds and garlic bread, vegan-style.
I (sort of) enjoyed making it, and I (sort of) enjoyed photographing it. I wish I could enjoy eating it! I'm feeling ever-so-slightly like shite today, but I need to keep fuelling the engine, I suppose! My daughter turned her nose up at it but decided she'd humour me and eat it; my son screamed in frustration each time I took his spoon away to put more soup on it; and my husband enjoyed his with an ice-cold beer. He finished a week of nights, this morning, and feels he's earned it. I should think so!

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Teatime treat

Day 94
23 August 2009

The rest of the troop are out for a while, this afternoon, so I have been catching up on a few bits and pieces. It's amazing how quickly things can get done with peace and quiet!
I find doing mundane stuff like washing up, cleaning and tidying quite meditative. It's my time to reflect on the goings on, listen to my thoughts, and try to work out what exactly I mean when I think something.
For example, whilst cleaning the worksurfaces down in the kitchen, I lifted up a vase to clean underneath it. This made me think of the table I want to put in our hallway below a mirror to bring in some extra light, with some lillies in a vase on the table to give the corner a bit of life. This made me think of the tiles we need to order for our new kitchen, the money it will cost for us to do it, and this in turn made me wonder what I should be doing workwise, to bring in some money for the home.
This is where I get stuck. I have no idea what I am meant to be doing! It seems that my photography is bringing about potential to earn, but I need dedicated time to get on with it. My professional career, which is a bit limp and dull, needs an injection of life to get it moving again, but this will take a lot of effort and time which will take me away from my most important role in life, that of being mummy. When I had my daughter, I went back to work when she was just under six months old, and I hated being away from her. I don't want to do the same for my son, and I am enjoying being at home with him.
So, whenever I start cleaning and tidying in an empty house, it gives me plenty of time to think and contemplate. And get confused.
Now where did that wheat, gluten and dairy free chocolate brownie go?

Saturday, 22 August 2009


Day 93
22 August 2009

Oh, lazy Saturdays. Lying in bed, snuggled under the duvet, the soft sounds of the radio whispering in one ear, the occasional seagull squawking as it passes by outside. Thoughts of the day ahead dreamily circling around in the mind. Peace and quiet, and zzzz-ing in and out of a doze until the grumblings of an empty stomach signals the time for a calm and leisurely breakfast.
I remember Lazy Saturdays, but only just. They are a faded memory, and will not enter into my life for a good few years to come.
Not that I'm bitter.
This morning it was overcast, but by lunchtime there was a glorious blue sky. We decided it was a picnic lunch day, so we packed up and headed into town and to the downs.
My son enjoyed his lunch as much as the rest of us!

Mayo would definitely be on my desert island luxury items list. It tastes so good that I reckon it would make eating a crusty old flip-flop an enjoyable experience.

After lunch, my daughter went off bug-hunting, armed with a box, a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers. She didn't have much luck trying to pick ants up with the tweezers, but she did have fun rummaging around looking for stag beetles. Of which, she found none. Unsurprisingly, perhaps!

And as I tucked her into bed this evening, she told me that she thought "sleep is beautiful, Mummy".

Oh, Lazy Saturdays...!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Making Some Progress

Day 92
21 August 2009

We live in a house without a garden. We do have a tiny piece of mud outside our house, which has been neglected for a considerable amount of time. As I am hopeless with a trowel and a bit of earth, and having had a baby recently, as well as the other day to day stuff, the area has not had the zap of life that it needed, until today. Thanks to my stepmum and dad, we went to get some bulbs and pansies to put into the bit of soil. Out came the aged and almost dead lavender plants. It looks so much better, now.

At the same time, the window cleaner arrived to clean a minimum of a year's worth of dirt from our windows, which has had an amazing affect on our ability to look through glass! I've also been painting the hallway, and we've had a ruthless cleaning session or two in the past week, too. It's been a week of transformation and progress.

We just need to get our kitchen sorted out!

Corfe model village

Day 91
20 August 2009

Today we went with my dad and step-mum to Corfe. We had lunch in a pub, then walked up to the model village.
It's a fantastic place to take kids, and the village and castle models are so thoughtfully made. It's also got a large garden play area to play giant jenga, draughts, and a connect 4 type game, as well as a nature garden and a cafe which does a good dorset cream tea, if you fancy one!

A large willow tree, perfect for sitting under on a hot summers' day.

Painting In The Park

Day 90

19 August 2009

This morning we went up to the park to do some art and craft activities, which had been provided by SureStart. It was a gorgeous, sunny morning and it felt good to be out in the sunshine, watching the little ones do their creative best.

All was going well until later on, when we went into the park to play, and my daughter had a food/fluid-deprived meltdown. Then all hell broke loose, and it felt as though the calm, chilled morning had disappeared into the ether!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Tuesday Market

Day 89
18 August 2009

The town has a market on a Tuesday. Today it was busier than ever.
Although it's great to have a market which has stalls for a variety of things, it would be great to have a local farmer's market. There is a small Purbeck produce day once a month, but it's tucked away from the main town. I'd love to see a Purbeck farmer's/local producers market in the main town once a week in addition to the bigger, more commercial Tuesday market. What do you think?

Monday Meander

Day 88
17 August 2009

This morning we all went for a walk up to Peveril Point.
These photos show a few things we saw along the way.
The best bit was when we were allowed to have a sneaky peak inside the lifeboat house.

This is a left-over from world war II, near to the watchpoint. During the war the beaches were closed off and the piers were dismantled to stop enemy invasion into the town. American and Canadian troops were also posted to the Purbeck area.

This feather caught my eye as it gently ruffled in the breeze.

I don't know who this memorial is for, but this tree and two next to it were covered in floral tributes.

Some steps.

The view into Prince Albert gardens and the bay, complete with portaloos in the foreground. Oops!

The Wellington clock tower. It was originally standing on London Bridge, but George Burt, who built Swanage (or most of the old bits), bought lots of bits of London bricks and bobs to use as ballast on the ships taking Purbeck stone off to London. He used the clock tower, parts of billingsgate fish market, and lots of other bits that are dotted about Swanage. The home of recycling!

Look out behind you!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Pot luck

Day 87
16 August 2009

In my house, it's a rare thing for my husband to be genuinely interested in crockery.
I consider this to be a fortunate thing.
Yesterday, at the fete, there was a bric-a-brac stall. I bought a cast-iron butterfly for standing hot pans on. I thought it was a lovely symbol of transformation, very fitting for our soon-to-be new kitchen. At the moment it's just a big empty space with new plastered walls, and a fresh concreted floor.
He bought a bicycle for a couple of quid for our daughter when she's about 8 (a few years to go, but at least that's plenty of time for them to work on it together and get it to look shiny and new), and this...pot and cup set.
I think it's "home made" - there are no markings on the base of the pot or the cups. It's a very well made set. But it's really not to my taste! My husband likes it. So I will be serving him up his coffee in it every day!