Saturday, 22 August 2009


Day 93
22 August 2009

Oh, lazy Saturdays. Lying in bed, snuggled under the duvet, the soft sounds of the radio whispering in one ear, the occasional seagull squawking as it passes by outside. Thoughts of the day ahead dreamily circling around in the mind. Peace and quiet, and zzzz-ing in and out of a doze until the grumblings of an empty stomach signals the time for a calm and leisurely breakfast.
I remember Lazy Saturdays, but only just. They are a faded memory, and will not enter into my life for a good few years to come.
Not that I'm bitter.
This morning it was overcast, but by lunchtime there was a glorious blue sky. We decided it was a picnic lunch day, so we packed up and headed into town and to the downs.
My son enjoyed his lunch as much as the rest of us!

Mayo would definitely be on my desert island luxury items list. It tastes so good that I reckon it would make eating a crusty old flip-flop an enjoyable experience.

After lunch, my daughter went off bug-hunting, armed with a box, a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers. She didn't have much luck trying to pick ants up with the tweezers, but she did have fun rummaging around looking for stag beetles. Of which, she found none. Unsurprisingly, perhaps!

And as I tucked her into bed this evening, she told me that she thought "sleep is beautiful, Mummy".

Oh, Lazy Saturdays...!

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